zhanusova 03.01.2023

Minister of Health Award for Medical Research and Development 2022

On 13 December 2022, a ceremony was held on the premises of the Břevnov Monastery to award the Minister of Health Award for Medical Research and Development. The main prize for the project "New possibility of intravital diagnosis of prion diseases from peripheral tissues and cerebrospinal fluid" was received by doc. Ing. Karel Holada, Ph.D., head of the Prion Laboratory. Diplomas from the hands of the Minister of Health Vlastimil Válek were also presented to colleagues RNDr. Tibor Moško, Ph.D. and Mgr. Soňa Galušková, who actively participated in this project. The award also belongs to the collaborators of the Prion Laboratory, doc. MUDr. Robert Rusina, Ph.D. and prof. MUDr. Radoslav Matěj, Ph.D. from the Thomayer University Hospital.

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number of views: 597 author: zhanusova, last modification: zhanusova, 03.01.2023
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